The flu epidemic never ceases to intensify. A clear acceleration of cases was thus observed at the end of January, and many hospitals triggered white plans to cope with the influx of patients. If we are used to seeing the flu reappearing every winter, the current wave seems particularly virulent.
“I don’t care, I already got it in December”, “I’m not concerned, I am vaccinated”, “I am young and healthy, at worst, I have two days of fever” … Have all these statements heard many times justified? 20 Minutes will prove to you that no.
“If I got it, I am immune to the season”
Faux. There are several influenza viruses. The current epidemic includes AH1N1, AH3N2 and B, which circulate at the same time. “When we get infected with A, we are not protected against B,” explains Benjamin Davido, infectiologist at Raymond Poincaré hospital in Garches. “Even if it is rather rare in ordinary people, it is not impossible to catch it twice during the same winter,” confirms the infectiologist Emmanuel Piednoir, hospital practitioner at Granville hospital and professor at The Faculty of Medicine of Caen. Doctor Davido therefore advises very fragile people who have not been vaccinated to have it, even after being contaminated.
“If I am vaccinated, I am protected”
Faux. The flu vaccine does not protect 100 %. Or even 50 % this year. According to the latest France Public Health Bulletin, its effectiveness this winter is estimated around 46 % for all groups at risk targeted by vaccination. “It’s not nothing, but it’s a little disappointing compared to the usual efficiency that revolves around 60, 70 %,” said Doctor Davido. For information, the composition of the vaccine is developed from the viruses circulating during the flu epidemic having taken place this summer in the southern hemisphere, hence its evolution each year.
“The effectiveness of the vaccine varies according to targeted groups, age groups and stump,” explains Emmanuel Piednoir. If it is estimated at 62 % in those under 65 at risk, it is only 31 % among those over 65. “The older we are, the less effective it is,” summarizes Doctor Davido. However, doctors recall this: the bite greatly decreases the risk of serious form. “More than 80 % of patients in resuscitation this year are not vaccinated,” says Professor Piednoir.
“Only the elderly or at risk have serious forms”
Faux. Even if the elderly and those at risk are very majority in patients with serious forms, the others are not exempt. The latest public health figures France show that 40 or even 45 % of patients in resuscitation are under 65 years old. If most of them have comorbidities, Doctor Davido assures him: “We also see patients having no disease”.
Among them, many have made a bacterial infection. “Often, the influenza virus enters the lung cells and destroys part of the pulmonary tissue. This lung is at risk of infertery with, for example, streptococcus, and this can give rise to pneumonia, explains Doctor Davido. This superinfection shows that this disease can in a lightning way someone who has no health problems. »»
“We are no longer contagious when we no longer have symptoms”
Faux. You should know that you are contagious 24 hours before you even have symptoms, during the incubation period of the disease. “We are maximum contagion when we have symptoms and the more we advance in time, the less we are,” sums up Professor Piednoir. Even when you are completely restored, the potential for contamination is less but not zero. »»
Basically, we are contagious one day before and seven days later. But rare exceptions exist, especially in immunocompromised. “We have already seen cases of virus conviction up to a month,” says Benjamin Davido.
Our file on the flu
“There are no effective drugs against flu”
True and false. If paracetamol is effective in reducing fever, it is not specific to flu and does not reduce other symptoms. There are antivirals, like the Tamiflu, which play this role. “It reduces symptoms from one to two days In people who are not at the hospital, according to a report by the High Authority for Health published in 2022, “said Doctor Davido. This treatment, the effectiveness of which is therefore limited, must be taken In the first 48 hours after the first symptoms to be effective. “We prescribe a little in the hospital but only in the event of very early serious form,” explains Professor Piednoir.
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