If you want to know your history in the credit bureau, or get your special credit report, you can do it easily through the official credit bureau pagewith this report you will know the information that the credit grants consult to evaluate whether or not they approve.
You just need to enter this link https://wbc3.burodecredito.com.mx:9543/rceonline/autorizacion.faces and select the option corresponding to “Special Credit Report” and choose:
–Credit card: You must determine the credit card number, know the credit limit and the name of the bank or institution.
–Automotive and/or mortgage loan: If you have or have had in the last six years, have the credit number and the name of the place where you acquired it.
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Then select that you authorize bureau of credit so that See your credit history, to make the special credit report and include the results of your score, as well as the corresponding position of this service, You should know that you have the right to your free special credit report if it is the first time you consult it and then every 12 months. If you already made your first consultation of the period, the cost if you do it again through the website is 35.60 pesos.
You will add personal information, credit information and finally receive confirmation. Do not worry, the credit bureau page is very friendly and intuitive, so this procedure will be very easy.
What is the Score?
It is the optimal instrument to know in a clear and reliable way the score of your credit behavior. For only 58 pesos you can know your result.
The benefits you will get is:
- Summary of your credit behavior in a single number.
- Ideal complement to your special credit report.
- Knowledge of the factors that influence your result.
- Recommendations to improve your score.
- Comparison of your situation in the face of the population.
It is important to keep in mind that only you and the institutions that give you credit have access to your credit history in credit bureau and that your report is updated, at least once a month.
In case you face difficulties to make your payments, the ideal is to communicate with the entity that granted you the credit before they contact you. Expose your situation and try to negotiate a restructuring of your debt. In this way, you can prevent your history from being negatively affected, which will allow you to continue paying in a timely manner.
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Remember that requesting and using a small loan in a responsible way can help you improve your credit history, as long as you meet payments in a timely manner.
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(Tagstotranslate) Credit Bureau (T) Debt (T) Personal Finance