One of the main concerns when obtaining a debit or credit card is to make sure to be aware of payments to avoid inconveniences with the credit bureau, which is why If you are in a situation where you have a debt debt, here we share everything you have to know about it.
To understand how long it takes to erase a debt debt of Coppel’s credit, it is first important to understand what this term refers. According to BBVA, he Bureau Credit is a private entity responsible for collecting and generating reports on the credit history of individuals and companies.
These reports include information on how you manage your payments in mortgage loans, automakers, credit cards and even basic services such as electricity or water, such information impacts financial stability and access or not to future credit services.
According to the information provided by Coppelthe time that a debt remains in the Bureau Credit after being liquidated, it varies according to the amount owed.
These are the deadlines for a debt to be eliminated from your credit history, as long as you have already liquidated it:
- Debts of up to 24 units (approximately 154 pesos) They are eliminated in a year.
- Debts between 25 and 500 units (approximately 3,133 pesos) They are deleted in two years.
- Debts between 500 and 1,000 units (approximately 6,226 pesos) They are eliminated after four years.
- Debts greater than 4,000 units (approximately 2 million pesos) They are deleted after six years, provided there is no judicial process.
Tips to avoid a negative credit history:
- Pay your debts punctually: Stay up to date with payments to avoid additional interests.
- Do not buy more than you can pay: Evaluate your payment capacity before acquiring any product or credit with credit
- Avoid using all your credit available: Keep a low balance on your cards to improve your credit relationship and avoid problems with your limit.
- Do not request multiple cards in a short period: Each credit application can negatively affect your score, so it is better not to ask for several credit cards in a short time.
- If possible, pay more than the minimum of your loan: Making payments greater than the minimum will help you liquidate your debt faster and reduce accumulated interests.
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