“God Save The Tuche” is coming to the movies this Wednesday. In this fifth installment of the saga, the crazy family Tuche again leads a peaceful life in Bouzolles. Yes but here it is, Jiji, Jeff’s grandson (Jean-Paul Rouve) and Cathy (Isabelle Nanty), is selected for a football internship in the Arsenal club. The opportunity for the joyful band to make her suitcases, direction England, and to meet the royal family. Enough to have the crown wavering …
In addition to its seriously struck side, the Tuche family, it is also more improbable looks than each other. 20 Minutes has selected the best of Jeff Tuche’s worst looks, mother Cathy, their three children Stéphanie (Sarah Stern), Wilfried (Pierre Lottin) and Donald (Théo Fernandez) as well as the grandmother, Mamie Suze (Claire Nadeau ), through the five opus released in the cinema. Be careful, it stings a little!
Cathy in a flower apron and Jeff in three bands survival, the tone (bad taste?) Vestimental is given from the first part of the “tuche”.– François Lefebvre/ Pathé Productions / TF1 Films
Jeff, colorful tie and cheesy costume, is unemployed and proud to be. His partner Cathy, a salmon pink jacket, is a nice mother of three children who dreams of meeting Stéphanie de Monaco.– Pathé Distribution/ Pathé Distribution
A Tuche of elegance
One day, the Tuche earn 100 million euros in the lottery and decide to leave Bouzolles to move on the rock, Cathy’s dream. Note the superb green shirt from Wilfried, a Gangsta rapper… frankly silly.– Pathé Distribution/ Pathé Distribution
Tuche at his goal
From the Monegasque dream to the American dream, there is only one step for Cathy. The buzzer of gratins and potatoes has fun across the Atlantic in a country style.– Eskwad / Pathé – Vera Boncompagni/ Pathé
After installing a fried barrack in his villa in the first part, Jeff Tuche feasts with the barbecues in American sauce. Fries, fries, friiiites … and bacon! All with a beautiful hat and a “made in America” outfit.– Eskwad / Pathé – Vera Boncompagni/ Pathé
Tuche in front!
The poster of “Tuche 2 – The American dream” speaks of itself. It shows a certain image and a certain style of the country of Uncle Sam.– Pathé/ Pathé
It’s “Tuchy”!
A TGV in Bouzolles, constantly in Bouzolles, that is too much! Jeff Tuche decides to go to the presidential election to change the situation. With his Marcel, his shorts and his sock tapping, he knew how to conquer the Elysée.– Pathé Distribution/ Pathé Distribution
At Tuche Speed!
Grandma suze in Gothic teenage style and Wilfried, cap upside down, in reception, it is the depot.– Pathé Distribution/ Pathé Distribution
Not tuche my suze
Wilfried is most certainly the most “stylish” of the Tuche family. In the fourth part, the eldest of the family always takes care of their appearance. Note the very discreet “Tuche Daddy” written on his cap.– Pathé/ Pathé
«Tuche Daddy »
Michel Blanc makes a remarkable appearance in the “Tuche 4” with a Christmas sweater that would have its effect during Christmas Eve at Beau-Papa.– Pathé/ Pathé
Christmas Tuche
Miss Bouzolles During the first Opus of the Tuche, Stéphanie does not sulk her pleasure by participating in the election of Miss Noël 2020. With a golden outfit of circumstance.– Pathé/ Pathé
Holy n-tuche
The family and its French Tuche land in England because the grandson was spotted by a large football club in the country, Arsenal.– Pathé/ Pathé
Coach on the side of Bouzolles, Jeff Tuche finds himself on the bench of the Gunners in episode 5 of the “Tuche”.– Pathé/ Pathé
On the tuche
Cathy and Jeff go to the Royal Palace, in a SO “Harry Potter”, as evidenced by Griffondor’s coat of arms.– Pathé/ Pathé
Magic aux Tuche
Wilfried opted in the fifth opus of Tuche for the Bigoudi and the Marcel.– Pathé/ Pathé
A tuche before the shower
Between cultural shocks and blunders, the Tuche find themselves immersed in the heart of English royalty. To make the crown wavering it!– Pathé/ Pathé
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