A letter and three figures: E951. Most consumers do not know it but behind this abbreviation is hidden … Aspartame. One of the most used artificial sweeteners on the market. They are found in thousands of products and all shelves. From so -called “zero sugar” sodas such as zero coca, zero sprite, pepsi max with lighter yogurts. Going through certain chewing gums and even the throat pastilles (Vichy, Ricola etc.). The collaborative “open foodfact” collaborative database has identified at least 1,600 references, including drugs.
Difficult not to consume it? However, it would be better to believe some. Foodwatch, the Cancer League and Yuka launched a petition on Tuesday to ban this food additive to strong power. The three associations have also applied to the European Commission because they consider it dangerous. They are not the first to report it. The International Center for Research on Cancer (CIRC) had already classified it “possible carcinogen” in July 2023. And Foodwatch indicates in its report on Tuesday that aspartame would present other risks, such as “cardiovascular diseases, diabetes of Type 2, neurotoxicity and negative effects on the intestinal microbiome ”.
So, should we now avoid all the products containing this famous E951? Not so sure. “There is no epidemiological evidence that aspartame triggers cancers. Some studies show it, others not, except perhaps in diabetics. It is not scientifically proven ”, nuance with 20 Minutes Doctor Patrick Serog. The nutritionist who is located in Paris and authors of several books insists on “the reasonable dose” to consume.
It was set in 1980 by the World Health Organization at 40 mg per kilogram. Without, never, being changed since. “There are a lot of products where you should abuse, such as butter and sugar, otherwise you will risk complications. There it is the same and this sweetener helps a lot of people. There is no point in panicking them and pushing them to consume more sugars. »»
“Try to limit yourself”
An opinion shared by Clément Noblet, dietitian at more than 50,000 subscribers on Instagram. “It seems really simplistic to me to want to prohibit this particular additive. We could rather look at alcohol, tobacco or transformed meats which are more dangerous, “says” Clem_le_diet “.
The two rather call for measurement in nutrition. “You have to vary your food, avoid those that are transformed and try to limit yourself. But by also seeking his pleasure and wondering if it is enough when we have reached it, ”synthesizes Patrick Serog.
“I still advise my patients to turn to non -sweet alternatives which can therefore contain aspartame. It’s always better than swallowing liquid calories, ”says Clément Noblet. “Afterwards, the ideal is to gradually reduce the doses. For yogurts for example, you can first try lighter formulas before gradually passing through the nature. For sodas, it’s more complicated, but there can be herbal teas… ”
Our health articles
“People will always want sweet and we need it. The difficulty is to find the balance, ”concludes Doctor Patrick Serog before giving a final advice. “Finish your meals with a fruit. The feeling of sweet will mark the end of the meal for your brain and it will save you from consuming it again. »»
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