The main professional organization in the hotel and catering, the UMIH, said on Friday, January 24, asked to meet the Minister of the Interior after the announcement of “Much stricter rules” In terms of regularization of immigrants, saying that she does not wish to harden while the sector struggles to recruit.
“If it is not the role of a professional organization to interfere in the migration policy of France”notes in a press release the UMIH, the organization says it has asked to meet the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau to wear “The reality of the job situation”in the hotel and restaurant.
Registration on the list of professions in tension
The organization intends in particular “Request recognition at the national level of (its) trades in The list of tension professionson the model of what is offered in the agricultural sector ».
She also says “Happing that the new circular does not harden the conditions of regularization and access to employment for foreign nationals already present on our soil and wishing to work in (its) trades”.
For its part, the group of hotel and restorations of France (GHR) pleaded in another press release that “Employment is undoubtedly the best tool for integration in France required by the Minister of the Interior”.
“If it is understandable that the regularization of a foreigner must remain the exception, it is important that the procedure for regularizing a foreigner who justifies a salaried employment remains possible”argues Catherine Quérard, president of the GHR.
She believes “Urgent to publish the updated lists of the trades in tension which condition the regularization of foreign workers because to apply for regularization, the foreign worker must hold a job in a list of recognized trades in lack of workforce”.
The end of the Valls circular
The Minister of the Interior, who has made the fight against immigration his priority, sent a new circular to the prefects, who does not properly change the criteria to obtain a “Exceptional admission to the stay” (AES), but which puts an end to the circular of its predecessor Manuel Valls.
This left room for maneuver to the prefects who could resolve certain situations by derogating from the classic rules of regularizations. Exceptional regularizations by work are now refocused on tension trades, the updated list of which is expected at the end of February.
This worries about the businesses when the system allowed bosses who struggle to recruit their employees by regularizing them.
(Tagstotranslate) Restoration and hotel industry (T) Bruno Retailleau (T) Workers (T) Immigration (T) Hospitality