The Tax Administration Service (SAT) reported on new facilities for those who wish to pay taxes under the Simplified Trust Regime (RESICO)who will be exempt from submitting the annual declaration due to their income and will only have to make monthly payments.
According to the SAT, as part of the simplification of procedures, Individuals whose tax authority updated their tax regime and whose income from the previous year did not exceed 3.5 million pesos, may choose to rejoin the RESICO as of January 1, 2025. To do this, they must submit a Notice of update of economic activities before January 31, 2025.
The organization recalled that, to expand the benefits of this regime, natural persons dedicated to agriculture, livestock, fishing and forestry activities who are members or shareholders of credit unions, They can also choose to pay taxes in the RESICO.
“This regime for individuals is aimed at those who have annual incomes of less than 3.5 million pesos and who carry out activities in the primary sector, business activities, provision of professional services or receive income from the use or enjoyment of real estate (leasing)” , said.
The SAT explained that the RESICO aims to facilitate the payment of Income Tax (ISR) and offers as benefits the automatic calculation of taxes, administrative facilities, and minimum ISR rates.
“With these actions, the SAT reaffirms its commitment to simplify procedures and services, as well as offer facilities to strengthen voluntary and timely compliance with tax obligations,” said the collecting agency.