The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) advanced this Wednesday a 0.98 % in its main indicator, which reached 50 thousand 944.58 unitsand chained three sessions upwards, in a day with widespread gains worldwide.
“The capital market closed the session with gains among the main global stock indices,” he explained to the director of Economic and Financial Analysis of Banco Base, Gabriela Siller.
The profits, explained the specialist, “They are due to the fact that the Donald Trump government together with other companies in the technology sector will make an initial investment of up to 500 billion dollars towards artificial intelligence technology.”
In the United States the Dow Jones gained a 0.3 %; the Nasdaq Composite advanced one 1.28 % and the S&P 500 went up a 0.61 %.
In Mexico, the analyst specified, the Price and Quotation Index (IPC), the BMV’s main indicator, “closed the session with a gain of 0.98 % and linked three sessions higher, to record the largest gain since January 7″, when it gained a 0.9 %.
He pointed out that within the Mexican market 31 of the 35 main stations registered profits, highlighting: Walmex (+2.1%), América Móvil (+1.75%), Banorte (+1.21%), Bimbo (+3.01%) and Grupo México (+0.84%).
For his part, the director of Economic Analysis of the Actinver Financial Group, Enrique Covarrubias, said that during this Wednesday’s session “the CPI advanced one 0.98 % to achieve its third consecutive session of gains.
With this movement, he specified, the Mexican index increased its accumulated gains at this start of the year to 2.9 %.
During the day, the peso appreciated 0.87 % against the dollar, when trading in 20.47 units per greenbackafter being valued in the 20.65 in the previous sessionaccording to data from the Bank of Mexico.
The IPC closed the session in 50 thousand 944.58 unitswith a profit of 494.32 points and a positive variation of the 0.98 % versus the previous day.
The volume traded in the market reached 285.4 million titles for an amount of 19,471 million pesos.
Of the 597 firms that were listed on the day, 282 they ended with their prices rising, 287 They had losses and 28 closed without changes.
The titles with the greatest upward variation were from the Mexican Restaurant Corporation (CMR B), with 6.67%; from the auto parts and automotive equipment firm Nemak (NEMAK A), with 5.86%and the maritime transport company Grupo TMM (TMM A), with 4%.
In contrast, the greatest downward variations were from the real estate developer Grupo Gicsa (GICSA B), with -7.06%; from the wood and paper products company TEAK (TEAK CPO), con el -4.37 %and the construction and infrastructure firm Operadora de Sites Mexicanos (SITES1 A-1), with -3.24%.