A total of 14 public servants participated in a theoretical and practical training course focused on the management and containment of birds, reptiles and mammals, which was taught by instructors from the municipality’s Wildlife Rescue Unit.
The objective is to prepare public servants in the proper management and protection of specimens of wildlife, as well as to intervene in situations of wildlife-human conflict as first responders, thus guaranteeing effectiveness in the provision of their services for the benefit of citizens. , along with the care and protection of the environment.
Public servants from the Ecology Directorate and Civil Protection and Firefighters officials from Tlajomulco participated, as well as elements from Animal Protection from the municipality of Tala and the Grupo Mapache volunteer brigade.
It was carried out at the facilities of the Tlajomulco Civil Protection and Firefighters Base 4, located next to the El Guayabo Dam, in San Sebastián El Grande.