this friday the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office announced that after the bonding hearing, a judge accredited the legal detention of the five people identified for the alleged commission of the crime of bribery, related to the search carried out at an apocryphal call center located in the Medrano neighborhood of Guadalajara.
These are Nubia Paloma G., Mónica Ilsse V., Lucio Armando T., Jonathan Alejandro D. and Nalleli Saraí N., accused of offering money to the police officers who carried out the operation last Tuesday, so that they would desist from investigating the domicile.
After the presentation of the corresponding evidence and testimony, The judge issued the binding order to these people, and ordered them justified preventive detention for one year as a precautionary measure.
The Prosecutor’s Office recalled that from the testimonies collected by other people who worked in the call center, it was known that people were deceived by telephone, making them believe they were bank employees, in order to take their money.
They called the victims, making them believe that they had detected unusual movements in their bank accounts, and subsequently forced them, with the premise of helping them resolve these unrecognized movements, to download a mobile application through which they could access their accounts and thereby dispose of of resources.
The State Prosecutor’s Office affirmed that another investigation folder continues to be integrated for the crime of fraud “to go after those who controlled the call center and specify the participation of those who are already accused of bribery,” the agency added.
So far there has been no information on the legal situation of the other 15 people who were arrested the night of the operation.