You don’t have to be afraid of Credit Bureau. It is just a service that is responsible for collecting information from all users of loans, credits and different financial services. However, if for some reason you start to fall behind on your payments, your rating in this database may appear negative. This situation may cause financial institutions to deny you their financial services.
However, not all of them require access to your history in the Credit Bureau. So, if you have a bad grade, accessing one of them and starting to use them correctly may help you improve your record.
In Mexico There are several options to obtain financial products without the need to review the history of the Credit Bureau. These options are a help for those looking to start building a solid credit history or improve their rating in databases after having gone through a bad streak.
Below we tell you which cards do not require review in 2025.
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Guaranteed Cards
This type of service requires a security deposit that works as a kind of backup in case you stop paying. The deposit amount may be equal to or greater than the line of credit granted. With this type of services you can improve your credit history. In Mexico Ban Coppel y Azteca Bank They offer this type of service.
Department Store Cards
These cards are usually linked to the establishments that offer them and, therefore, usually have less strict requirements than a financial institution. Liverpool, Suburbia y Coppel are examples of this.
Fintech cards
These are companies that are not registered as banks in Mexico and that is why they do not usually have branches. They allow factors such as income flow and financial behavior to be evaluated in real time, far from those marked by credit history. The platforms to take into account Mexico son Clear, Not, A story y Vexi.
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