“I want to warn the country against certain things that worry me greatly.” Undoubtedly for his last speech from the Oval Office, Joe Biden delivered a rather pessimistic twenty-minute farewell speech last night.
Five days before handing over power to Donald Trump, the 82-year-old president notably warned the Americans against him, but without naming him, and against the Tech giants now behind him. “It’s about the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra-rich people” and the “dangerous consequences if their power is left unchecked,” he said.
Elon Musk and his Tech acolytes
“An oligarchy is taking shape in America” and it “concretely threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms,” continued Joe Biden, in an obvious allusion to Donald Trump, billionaire, as well as the extremely wealthy tech bosses, first and foremost Elon Musk.
He spoke of the emergence of a “technological-industrial complex” of immense power, echoing the farewell speech of former President Dwight Eisenhower, who had warned in 1961 against the rise of the “military complex”. -industrial”.
As a reminder, the boss of Tesla, SpaceX and American television channel NBC. These “three people today have more wealth than the poorest half of American society,” Bernie Sanders, a figure of the left in the United States, protested on Tuesday.
“An avalanche of disinformation”
“Americans are buried under an avalanche of disinformation that allows the abuse of power,” Joe Biden further deplored, calling for social networks to be held “accountable” and to put in place “safeguards” on the ‘artificial intelligence. The “concentration of wealth and power (…) undermines the sense of unity and the common good,” said the 46th President of the United States, who was surrounded by members of his family.
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He was also alarmed by “powerful forces” who would like to “eliminate the measures we have taken to confront the climate crisis. » These very strong warnings relegated to the background, in his speech, the desire to defend his record, in particular the launch of gigantic investment plans and the reestablishment of the United States’ major international alliances.