If in Longwy in Lorraine, the weather is not necessarily very nice, the municipal police on the other hand know how to warm up the atmosphere with their favorite weapon, humor. While the agents created their Facebook page a few weeks ago, like the pages of the national police or the gendarmerie, the posts from the municipality of Longwy are already attracting attention… and smiles, welcome in these times. gray weather, reading the comments.
After having launched a “Disappearance alert… of the sun” from its inauguration, a post largely inspired by the media cover “Kidnapping alert” and giving the description and age of the “disappeared”, their almost daily posts also contain unusual photos , offbeat advice, ironic too.
“Gluten-free” flashers
Facebook posts like little touches of humor, reminders to motorists who park on the sidewalks: “To all those who think that their car is a piece of urban furniture, let’s remember a little local saying: a parking space, it It’s like a good joke… it’s always better when it’s well placed! “. A municipal police force which is not afraid of repeat offenses and publishes in council: “In order to reassure hesitant drivers, we confirm that the indicators do not contain lactose, gluten or palm oil and are not alcoholic,” write -they. You can therefore consume them without moderation. If that’s not good news! »
Benevolent advice of all kinds which does not have a speed limit, like this mathematical operation (which cannot be solved, unless you are a math genius), and whose result would allow “drivers” to avoid the police checkpoints.
A successful experiment
Tricks of humor which of course aim to acquire followers (their account already has nearly 500), to “get the messages across better”, but above all which are a nice advertisement for their work and for the city. “When the Facebook page was launched, it was an experimental phase, especially to see how to reach people as much as possible,” tells 20 Minutes Baptiste Becker, brigadier guard in Longwy. Knowing that social networks are a way for most to unwind, we wanted to send messages but differently from those that are broadcast continuously on news channels. More like what the Paris national police do on TikTok.”
For the moment, the writing of posts, which is done voluntarily and outside working hours, is a collective effort. “We make sketches, we consult each other, we try to see things differently, with irony and humor, because it’s a bit of our trademark,” laughs Baptiste Becker, “and for the moment it’s working rather well. We had very, very good feedback.”
Our file on municipal police
Lots of shares and followers even though the small town only has 15,000 inhabitants. The municipal police officers of course have the approval of the mayor who is also pleased with this successful experiment. Result ? An attempt which is becoming lasting and posts which will soon resume, the last one dating from January 1st. “There was a big pause,” admits Baptiste Becker, “it was an experiment, and when we saw that it was gaining a lot of momentum, we stopped. We wanted to test our page and get organized. Then there were the holidays, the days off… But we will resume very quickly, we just have to get the machine back on track,” promises Baptiste Becker.