Studying a professional career works to fulfill a desire, achieve a goal and, of course, to earn a good salary. And according to information from the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness, Specialty medicine, Finance, Banking and insurance, General medicine, Electronic engineering, Automation and applications of mechanical – electrical and Electrical engineering and Power generation are the five highest paying careers in Mexico. The average salary ranges from 22,834 to 35,033 pesos per monthnotes the organization.
Sebastián Galván, an eighth semester student of the Mechatronics Engineering degree at the Institute of Technology and Higher Studies of Monterrey, explains that “I have always been interested in the engineering field, specifically electronics, mechanics and programming. That was why I chose the mechatronics engineering career, because it integrates these three areas and is very good, very complete.
He highlighted that his career and area of specialty are the most innovative and required in Mexico and the world, with a close relationship with robotics, programming and artificial intelligence, which is why Sebastián He expects to receive a monthly salary between 20 thousand and 25 thousand pesos.
“Industrial automation is today’s thing. I know of cases of people who went to the United States, France or Japan for the future of their career. In Mexico, there is a lot of search for the profile of someone who knows about automation, because it really is the future,” explains Sebastián, who adds that “many companies are changing to automation, so the career is going very high, that’s what new. Mechatronics has a very direct effect with robotics and it is what is new.”
The IMCO indicates that the average monthly salary for this career within Mexico is around 23 thousand pesos on average.
On the other hand, heto University of the Valley Atemajac (UNIVA) identifies five careers that have had exponential growth and that offer employment opportunities with attractive salaries: Robotics, Business Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Video Game Development and Business Administration.
“My career is Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering but I want to go more into robotics for that very reason, because it is the new thing, what all companies are going to hire; the future basically. In Mexico, especially in the foreign manufacturing companies that come to the country, a robotics engineer earns very well and that is why I chose this career,” said Rubén López, a first-semester student of the Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering program at the Cuauhtémoc University.
The young man mentioned that once he finishes his university studies he would look to start working in Mexico and then be able to go to the United States or Europe, where the job offer is greater.adds Rubén.
According to information from the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid, the average annual salary for engineers in the Metal Industry, Services and Installations sector within the European country is around 31 thousand euros, that is, more than 600 thousand Mexican pesos .
Best paying careers today in Mexico
1. Specialty medicine: $35,053.
2. Finance, banking and insurance: $28,336.
3. General medicine: $24,529.
4. Engineering in electronics, automation and applications of mechanics-electronics: $22,877.
5. Electrical engineering and power generation: $22,834.
*Average monthly salaries in pesos.
Source: IMCO.