This is the sentence that surely made you smile the most. Tuesday, during his general policy speech, François Bayrou allowed himself an agricultural reference when he mentioned Parcoursup, the post-baccalaureate guidance platform for high school students. “Children are not like leeks, they do not all grow at the same speed and wanting to select early, without the mind and expectations having matured, I think it is an error, in any case a weakness », he said in front of an audience certainly curious to know if… leeks are that regular.
In a deep desire for investigation, 20 Minutes checked. Answer: yes. “If they are planted at the same time, they all grow at approximately the same speed,” says an Alsatian market gardener. “There is one that sticks out from time to time, but that’s it. » She therefore confirms: the Prime Minister “did not say anything stupid”.
“No other vegetables as regular”
Not so surprising for the son of a farmer, a breeder himself and who posed on his tractor for the 2007 presidential campaign. His metaphor is even in season since leeks are still being harvested at the moment. “We don’t have any anymore because the year hasn’t been good but generally, we harvest them until the end of February and we start planting them in May. I don’t see other vegetables as regular,” explains the Haut-Rhin farmer, amused by the questions mixing vegetables and politics.
Concerning Parcoursup, whose wish phase begins this Wednesday, François Bayrou again declared that it was “a question”. But he did not say if he was going to reform this system put in place in 2018. The Prime Minister just considered it necessary to “open the doors” and “invent the period of the year for articulation between the secondary education and higher education.
Our file François Bayrou
“The obligation of early guidance disrupts (students) and puts them in danger,” he added. Without finding, this time, an agricultural metaphor.