Normally we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ask questions or make images, but it can also help us with our personal finances. If you want to have better control of your money, here we tell you how you can use this tool to achieve it.
Tips to manage your money with AI
The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) gives us a series of ideas to use AI to your advantage, here we leave you the information.
- You can make a income and expense analysisIn turn, you can ask them to help you identify unnecessary expenses and in which areas you can reduce costs to have better performance.
- It can suggest ways to savebecause if you normally consult all your movements, the AI will identify moments in which you have enough capital to create your savings.
- If you have debts, a credit card or something unpaid, you can ask the AI to prioritize paying this off and it can help you design plans for prompt payment.
- Just remember not share sensitive informationdo not enter bank or personal information.
If you want to start but don’t know how, just try telling the AI to help improve your finances and from their answer you can guide yourself to get started.
Now you know, you can not only use AI for entertainment purposes, it can also serve you in your daily life and improve your economy, use the platform that best suits you and start to have better control of your finances with your help.
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