Finances can be a little confusing and many times we do not know how to make good use of our money. If you want to improve, you can take this financial education diploma that has the convenience of being online and you will learn to improve your ability to manage money. and the use of financial services.
What do I need to enter the financial education diploma?
You simply must meet these minimum requirements:
- Have minimum 17 years old.
- Have a email personal.
- Preferably count on desktop computerhowever you can connect by mobile device if necessary.
- Connection to internet.
- Respect what is established in the general regulations of the diploma.
One point to consider is that it is recommended that people enrolled in the course preferably have completed high school or some equivalent education, due to the topics that are addressed.
The course lasts 150 hours and the recommendation is that you do 2 to 3 hours of study daily, so it would be completed in approximately 3 monthsThe advantage is that due to its online mode the schedule is flexible, you can enter the platform at any time of the day.
To complete the course you must be eligible for a minimum rating of 7.0 and at the end you will be awarded a diploma that supports the study you carried out.
Registering is too easy, you just have to complete what is requested on the website, you have up to February 5 to sign up.
If you want to know more information about the diploma, you can consult it on the corresponding page, do not miss the opportunity to learn new things.
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