A 56-year-old man was found tied up during the night from Wednesday to Thursday in the trunk of a car outside Le Mans (Sarthe) and his wife also tied up at their family home in Ain, he said. we learned on Friday from sources close to the matter.
The police discovered the fifty-year-old, also badly beaten, around 12:15 a.m. in the parking lot of a supermarket. Two men present in the vehicle fled, a first source told AFP, confirming information from France Bleu Normandie.
The man was doused in gasoline when he was found in the trunk of the car, according to France Bleu Normandie. A ransom demand was sent to his son, residing in Dubai, according to the radio.
The victim said he had been held captive since December 31 after being the victim of a homejacking that day in the presence of his wife and daughter, said the source close to the case.
His wife was found tied up at their family home in Saint-Genis-Pouilly, in Ain, a town a few kilometers west of Geneva, according to another source close to the case to AFP. She did not have any information about the girl.
Contacted by AFP, the Bourg-en-Bresse public prosecutor’s office did not wish to communicate immediately.