Screams coming from a trunk… This is how police officers from Le Mans were able to save a man who was the victim of home-jacking who had been tied up and placed in a car. The events happened at the U station in Saint-Pavace, on the edge of the Le Mans ring road, on the night of January 1st to 2nd, as told by Ici Maine and Ici Normandie.
Shortly after midnight, police officers from the BAC in Le Mans spotted hooded men filling up a stolen car with gasoline in the Eure. The police blocked the vehicle by hitting it with theirs, but the driver and his passenger managed to flee on foot.
Victim of a homejacking
Back at the gas station, they hear a voice coming from the trunk of the car calling for help. Inside: a man tied up and doused in gasoline. The latter explains that he was the victim of a homejacking, a burglary in his presence, on the evening of New Year’s Eve, almost 500 kilometers away. “A ransom demand via encrypted networks was made to his son living in Dubai,” explained a source close to the matter to Ici Normandie.
The investigation was entrusted to the research section of the Lyon gendarmerie. “They will be able to rely on one of the hoods, found on the ground after the chase,” explains Ici Normandie. The two main suspects are still wanted by the police this Thursday noon.