Lake Chapala says goodbye to 2024 this Tuesday, managing to maintain a great level that has been reflected more strongly since the third quarter of the year. The body of water not only projects positive numbers during the last few months, but this December 31, despite the fact that the rainy season ended in Jalisco Since last October, the lake, considered one of the largest and most important in Mexico seems to want to continue demonstrating the reason for its importance at the regional level.
It is worth mentioning that the increase in the level of Lake Chapalawhich is the main source of water supply for the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG/ AMG)could also be due to the two mega water cuts carried out during the second and third weekend of last November.

Today, Tuesday, December 31, 2024, the last day of the year, Lake Chapala reflects a stable water level. SPECIAL
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What is the level of Lake Chapala today, Tuesday, December 31, 2024?
The last and past rainy season in the state of Jalisco has allowed the largest body of water in the region, the Lake Chapala, and also one of the most important of Mexicoproject a positive increase in its water level, which has managed to maintain itself in recent weeks despite the fact that the rainy season has already ended since last October.
In the same way, according to the last cut made by the Jalisco State Water Commission (CEA Jalisco) and with him National Water Information System (Conagua)for today, Tuesday, December 31, 2024, the level of Lake Chapala is surpassing nothing more and nothing less than el 61.85 percent of its capacity. Let’s remember that the last update we shared on THE INFORMER It was from last December 20, when it exceeded 60.90 percent.
It is worth mentioning that, according to the comparison presented by the CEA Jaliscohe Lake Chapala registered a day like today but in 2023 the level of 48.68 percent, which reflects a fairly considerable improvement in 2024. However, it is some units below what was registered in 2022 when it reached 67.36 percent of its capacity.
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