Every month, new things change in our daily lives. Even more so when this change of month corresponds to a new year. From January 1st, there will be some good news, other, more numerous, less favorable news and something new in everyday life. Allowances, housing, health… We take stock
RSA rules are getting tougher
From January 1, beneficiaries of RSA (active solidarity income) will be automatically registered with France Travail. Therefore, new beneficiaries will have to inform the agency of their situation via an online questionnaire to be directed to their referring organization. They could be required to pass an interview and sign an employment contract which could force them to carry out between fifteen and twenty hours of weekly activities, through training, internships or immersions in a company.
New unemployment insurance rules come into force
They have been strongly criticized, but will still be applied in part on January 1st. The new rules for compensation for the unemployed, the majority of which will be implemented on April 1, 2025 “for operational reasons” explains Unédic.
We are talking here in particular about the two-year increase in the age limits from which unemployed seniors benefit from a longer duration of compensation (22.5 months goes from 53 to 55 years, and 27 months from 55 to 57 years ). For other job seekers, the maximum duration of compensation is 18 months
In addition, the reduction in unemployment benefit, which concerns high incomes, will no longer be applied from the age of 55, compared to 57 until now.
Increase in the Social Security ceiling
The Social Security ceiling, used to calculate the maximum amount of certain social benefits (daily benefits for illness, work accident, maternity, disability, etc.) will increase by 1.6% in 2025.
Revaluation of retirement pensions and solidarity allowance for the elderly
All basic pensions will increase by 2.2% on January 1, in line with inflation. While initially the government wanted to propose granting only half of this revaluation to save Social Security accounts, the Barnier government’s motion of censure canceled this measure and the revaluation will apply according to the usual calculation formula. . Please note, however, that pensions paid in January correspond to the month of December, so this increase will only be noticeable in February.
Same story for the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) which will increase by 2.2%.
Caregivers compensated for longer… for another loved one
It will be possible to receive the daily caregiver allowance (Ajpa) for longer in 2025, if the Ajpa is requested another time to help another person. If they meet certain conditions, caregivers can only receive this allowance, set at 64.54 euros per day, for 66 days per year. It will be possible to increase this quota if a new request is made for another relative within the limit of 22 days per month and 264 days over the entire career of the beneficiary.
The PEL rate drops… but instant transfers become free (well, that’s it)
There are few direct links between these two pieces of information except that you will have to think about it when doing your accounts at the start of the year.
While in 2024, opening a home savings plan guaranteed you a rate of 2.25%, this falls in 2025. Thus the gross rate of PELs opened after January 1 will be only 1.75%.
Good news though, from January 9, banks will no longer be able to charge additional fees for instant transfers which must “cost” the same price as a normal transfer. Or no cost if they are carried out via the Internet or via your bank’s mobile application.
Limitation of vouchers and meal vouchers at the supermarket
Hard blow to the wallet. The censorship of Michel Barnier’s government got the better of the rules on restaurant vouchers. As it was not possible to have the text voted on, the exemption granted to the use of meal vouchers expires on December 31. Thus their use will once again be limited to directly consumable products. No more shopping (pasta, rice, flour, milk, etc.), with your restaurant voucher card, only place for sandwiches and other prepared meals…
New health record for children
From January 1, parents will receive a new version of the health record when their child is born. This “newlook” notebook will include new subjects, such as the practice of physical activity, the use of screens and endometriosis.
The twenty mandatory health examinations will all be detailed with the addition of eight health examinations. The new health record will also include the new 6-year exam. It should allow better monitoring with prevention advice from early age until adolescence
Thus, we will bring together advice and general recommendations for parents on good practices to adopt when dealing with screens at each age and the Apgar score (a scale completed at birth to gauge the baby’s state of health using five criteria: breathing, heart rate, skin color, activity and reaction to stimuli).
The mother’s health will also be taken into account, with monitoring of postpartum depression.
The price of mail and parcels will increase
Everything increases, my good lady! Even the price of mail. In 2025, the price of parcels and mail will increase by 6.8% on average. An increase decided to “cover losses linked to the drop in mail volume and inflation”, explained La Poste. Thus, the green letter will increase from 1.29 euros to 1.39 euros while the registered letter will increase by 5.74 euros compared to 5.36 euros in 2024.
Colissimo prices will also be more expensive with an average increase of 5.2%, all destinations combined (France and international), for individuals. Only the red e-letter will retain its price of 1.49 euros.
End of G-rated energy strainers
The rental of class G housing in the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), that is to say the most energy-intensive, is, from January 1, 2025, prohibited for rental. They will be followed in 2028 by housing classified F, then by housing classified E in 2034.