The bonus is a legal benefit that is granted to workers in the month of additional remuneration to what was worked during the year. This is a labor right established in the Federal Labor Law (LFT).
“Informal” jobs, such as those in the domestic sector, must receive this benefit, even if there is no written contract. However, 70% of these workers do not receive this additional payment.
For decades, the right to a Christmas bonus had been denied to paid domestic and care workers. However, in 2019 the LFT indicated in article 334 Bis that the bonus, in addition to vacations, the vacation bonus and the payment of days of rest, as well as social security, They must be benefits provided by employers.
By the third quarter of 2024, there were around 2.3 million people working in the domestic sector, of which 91% are women, and Only 2.5% have been affiliated with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
Marcelina Bautista, founding director of the National Center for Professional Training and Leadership of Domestic Employees (Caceh), says that “They have until December 20 to pay the bonus, it is very important that they know it and, above all, that they comply”.
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Likewise, article 87 of the LFT establishes that The minimum amount of the bonus is 15 days of salary, for people who have been working for a year or more. This must be paid before December 20.
This right is also granted to those people who have not completed the year of service, who have resigned or been fired before completing the year. In these cases, They must be paid the proportional amount, according to the time they worked.
According to Caceh, the proportional part is calculated by multiplying the daily salary by 15 days of bonus. Then, the result is divided by the 12 months of the year and that amount is multiplied by the months that the worker worked.
If this right is not respected, You can report it to the Federal Labor Defense Attorney (Profedet)where they will be given free guidance.
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To employers who do not comply with the payment of the bonus to domestic workers, A fine of between 50 to 5 thousand times the Measurement and Update Unit will be imposed on them. (UMA), according to article 1002 of the Federal Labor Law.
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