Launched at full speed into the waters of the South Seas, Samantha Davies took the time to send us a short video to give her news. In the middle of the 40th Roarings, before entering the 50th Hurlants, the British skipper is shaken aboard her boat Heart Initiativeswhich does not prevent him from keeping the banana.
Cold, wind and wild waves, this is the South Seas program for Samantha Davies, who tells us about her “survival” in these extreme conditions.
All our articles on the Vendée Globe
“The wind is often above 25 knots,” she tells us between two squalls, almost comfortably seated in her Formula 1 seat. The Portsmouth native is currently in provisional 12th place in this Vendée Globe, nearly 1,360 miles behind Charlie Dalin (Macif Santé Prévoyance), the leader of the race.