Twenty later, perhaps the time has finally come for the truth and relative relief for Jonathan’s family. Martin Ney, a German already convicted of the murder of three children in his country, should be tried before the Loire-Atlantique assizes for the kidnapping and murder in 2004 of Jonathan, a 10-year-old child, it was announced. learned on Sunday from the prosecution.
Martin Ney, 53, was handed over to the French authorities in January 2021 and indicted in Nantes for “murder of a minor under 15 years old and arrest, kidnapping and sequestration, or arbitrary misappropriation of minors under 15 years old “. He was then returned to custody in Germany. He was referred to the Loire-Atlantique Assize Court for these charges, indicated the Nantes prosecutor’s office, confirming information from the newspaper Ocean Press. This charging order may still be appealed.
Sentenced to life in 2012 in Hamburg
Jonathan, originally from Cher, disappeared on the night of April 6 to 7, 2004 from a vacation center in Saint-Brévin-les-Pins. His body was discovered on May 19, tied up and weighed down with a concrete block, in a pond near Guérande, 25 kilometers from the location of the kidnapping.
A European arrest warrant was issued against Martin Ney in October 2019. The hypothesis of his responsibility had been explored for a long time by investigators and this lead was relaunched when Martin Ney’s fellow prisoner claimed to have collected his confession. Martin Ney was arrested in 2011 in Hamburg and sentenced in 2012 to life in prison with a 15-year security sentence for the murders of three boys between 1992 and 2001. He admitted the facts.
He used his job as an educator to get in touch with his victims. He was also found guilty of sexually abusing 40 boys, according to the German daily Bild.