To evoke Notre-Dame is to summon an entire imagination: that of the builders of the Middle Ages, of gargoyles and chimeras, of Quasimodo and Esmeralda… A set of representations that writers, painters or musicians have forged and maintained since the construction of the cathedral. What are the stories and works that have contributed to the influence of Notre-Dame? Is the cathedral still a fruitful source of inspiration today?
To answer these questions, Clémence Maret, journalist at The Crossspoke with Quebec artist Gilles Maheu. The latter participated in the creation of the musical “Notre-Dame de Paris”, inspired by the novel by Victor Hugo. In this episode, Gilles Maheu explains to us how, on stage, he brought Notre-Dame Cathedral to life and why, according to him, this musical was such a success.
Director: Clémence Maret, Célestine Albert-Steward, Flavien Edenne, Sarah Lefèvre. Editor-in-chief: Bruno Bouvet, Paul de Coustin. Music: Arnaud Forest. Illustration: Isaline Moulin. Voice: Laurence Szabason.