Every year, in Mexico, the Minimum wage generally undergoes an upward adjustment, a process that also applies in the Northern Border Free Zone (ZLFN)although with notable differences in the way the amounts are determined. According to information provided by the National Minimum Wages Commission (Conasami)the increase in salaries will be more than 10% and will be divided into the general region and the northern region.
The increase in the country’s general minimum wages is made up of two key elements: the current minimum wage of the previous year and the sum of Independent Recovery Amount (MIR). This mechanism seeks to guarantee a substantial increase in the purchasing power of workers.
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In the case of the ZLFNthe calculation includes not only the MIRbut also an additional increase per fixation. This differentiated approach responds to the economic particularities of the border region, characterized by greater commercial dynamism and a generally higher cost of living compared to other areas of the country.
In this way, while at the national level the adjustment focuses on improving salary conditions uniformly, in the ZLFN An additional scheme is taken into account that ensures greater economic competitiveness and better working conditions in this strategic region.
He MIR Its purpose is to recover the purchasing power of minimum wages. It is an absolute amount in pesos that should not be used to set contractual, federal, state or municipal salaries.
How much will the increase be?
The increase corresponds to 12% for this coming 2025so the current minimum wage, which is 248.93 pesos, It will remain at 278.80 pesos per day. For his part and for the Northern Border Free Zone; It will be 419.88 pesos.
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