Steam highly praised “Immediate Resignation”. The new side-scrolling game “Awaking Beauty” (phase Mengji) produced by Taiwanese independent game team Ye Kaican Studio (YOHCAN) is open for early trial play at G-EIGHT 2024. Players play as mecha-armed characters. A female high school student brings people trapped in dreams back to reality.
“Awaking Beauty” focuses on horizontal axis-selecting beat-’em-up action gameplay, and also adds “dual character elements”. Players can operate the mecha girl alone, and cooperate with AI-assisted characters to take risks. They can also split the screen and control two characters separately with friends. The characters travel together on the ground.
It is said that the girls can gradually learn about their past as they progress through the levels, and chips will appear randomly in the levels. Players can combine and equip multiple skills according to the character’s fighting style, or equip weapons to greatly change the fighting style.
Teammates can support each other in the game, “achieving the effect of 1+1>2”. For example, if a partner falls, he can be rescued to replenish blood or perform combo skills.
“Awaking Beauty” is currently under development, and the release date has not yet been confirmed. You can get small gifts by going to G-EIGHT to try it on site, and interested players can also add it to their wish list first.