Members of Parliament who almost come to blows don’t happen every day in the Assembly. And this is indicative of the great tension which surrounded this day of debate around the LFI’s proposal to repeal the pension reform, which the left ultimately failed to get voted on.
The bailiffs of the Assembly actually had to intervene on Thursday evening between several deputies, following an incident caused in the hemicycle by the Modem deputy Nicolas Turquois.
Threatening behavior
According to several parliamentary sources, Nicolas Turquois climbed into the aisles during a session suspension, appearing threatening towards a socialist deputy, Mickaël Bouloux. According to The Parisian, he would have pointed his finger a few millimeters from her face.
“My family was threatened! And these are people from your village! », would have launched the first to the second, according to Le Figaro. According to a source at Modem, Nicolas Turquois complained to Mickaël Bouloux about the “threats, insults and phone calls” received because of his opposition to the repeal of the pension reform.
So much so that the president of the Modem group Marc Fesneau was obliged to intervene to try to calm the Modem deputy.
An LFI deputy also taken to task
LFI deputy Antoine Léaument also said he was threatened by Antoine Turquois, when he asked him to leave, and that a crowd had formed at the bottom of the perch. The president of the Modem group Marc Fesneau intervened a second time, as well as the ushers, before Nicolas Turquois ended up leaving the hemicycle.
Antoine Léaument also took the floor to return to this incident shortly afterwards: “Luckily, Mr. Fesneau, that you were there to hold back the colleague from your group (…) because otherwise, I am not sure of the fact that At the end of the evening I won’t have had a donut.”
Marc Fesneau subsequently returned to his colleague’s behavior, ensuring that the latter “will explain it when the time comes”, and recognizing “a lively exchange”.
When the debates resumed, the session president Xavier Breton (LR) announced that he would suggest to the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet to discuss the incident at the next meeting of the office of the Assembly for sanction.
The MP in question “regrets”
Interviewed this Friday morning on BFMTV, Antoine Turquois returned to last night’s incident. “I was human, I regret, but opposite, there are scavengers,” he declared. “We put pressure on my loved ones, the situation got out of hand in the Chamber.” He also assured that he had “no desire” to inflict “a pain” on Antoine Léaument.