One of the popular titles on Netflix at the moment is Swedish Crime The helicopter robbery (2024). The miniseries tells the true story of a helicopter robbery that enabled a group of robbers to flee a cash depot in 2009 with millions in cash. The spectacular landing and subsequent raid on the depot were filmed in one long take, and that was reason enough for the makers to add a making-of special to the episodes.
Dangerous job
Behind the scenes of the Helicopter Robbery (2024) (Making the Helicopter Heist) focuses on the episode ‘Showtime’, in which the robbers successfully implement their sophisticated plans and manage to loot a truly monstrous amount of money in twenty minutes. The makers decided to take a real challenge and record the robbery in one long take. A perilous job, because if you have watched the miniseries you know that the route to the counting department was not without obstacles…
Long takes
The helicopter robbery has now been on Netflix for a week, and the timing of the making-of fits in seamlessly with the timing of subscribers who immediately gave the miniseries a chance. It is certainly not the first time that the streaming service adds a special to a new film or series of its own making. In fact, this is happening more and more often, and so is the sports series published today Senna (2024– ) features a behind-the-scenes episode. Are you particularly interested in the process of making so-called long takes? From the raw crime thriller Athena (2022)which begins with such a recording, there is also a special online.
Beeld: Still ‘Helicopter Robbery’ via Netflix