The Guess brand is very well known for its bags and wallets, if you want to purchase some, this is the best time, since it is one of the categories that have a discount on the brand’s website, here we will leave you all the information about this .
What offers can I find at Guess?
The departments in which you can find discounts of up to 60% off are: woman, man and bags. There are several options you can find.
An example is bags for 2,190 pesos, with a discount you can find them for 876 pesos or t-shirts for 890 pesos for only 356 pesos.
What payment methods does the Guess website have?
You can pay with any Visa, MasterCard, American Express card and also through PayPal and in cash through Oxxo.
What types of shipping does Guess handle?
Home delivery costs 99 pesos, but for purchases over 1,799 pesos it is free. You also have the option of picking up the product you bought in the store and it is equally free. Either of these two have a waiting time of 7 business days.
To track your order you just have to wait for the email that they will send you, there you can find the tracking number of your package, which will be activated once it leaves the warehouse. To verify the status of the shipment, you only have to enter the tracking number on the website of the parcel in which the merchandise was sent.
If you want more information about the available discounts, you can enter the website and purchase your favorite items.
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