“Oaken”, a cartoon narrative independent game “Once Upon a Jester” developed by Bonte Avond, has been launched for free on the GOG platform for a 72-hour limited time. Just log in to the GOG.com platform to receive the game and you can save it forever.
The background of “Song of Elves and Oak” describes a world of friendly elves that stretches between the branches of a large oak tree. Triggered by a series of strange events, players must build decks with different characters to engage in round-based battles on a hexagonal map. , to find out the mystery of the entire incident.
The limited-time free redemption period for “Song of Elves and Oaks” starts from now until 21:59 on December 2, 2024, Taiwan time. Players who want to claim the game are advised to seize the opportunity during this period.
⏩Oaken|Free to Claim on GOG.com
※GOG.com is a digital distribution platform for video games and movies. It is operated by GOG. Its parent company is the well-known Polish game publisher CD Projekt Group. Its most famous CD Projekt Red development team has produced “The Witcher 3” and “The Witcher 3”. Masterpieces such as “Dian Yu Ren Ke 2077”.