The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) fell this Tuesday a 0.97 % in its main indicator, which was located in 49 thousand 721.85 unitslinking two negative sessions to the thread, in a context of nervousness marked by the threat of imposing tariffs on Mexico by the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump.
“The capital market closed the session with mixed results among the main global stock indices”commented the director of Economic and Financial Analysis of Banco Base, Gabriela Siller.
In Mexico, the specialist added, the Price and Quote Index (IPC) of the BMV “closed the session with a loss of 0.97%, linking two downward sessions.”
Inside, Siller added, the stations’ losses stood out: Cemex (-4.35%), Banorte (-3.3%), Industrias Peñoles (-5.74%), Inbursa (-3.82%), Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro (2.92%) and Chedraui (-3.9%).
Regarding the economic scenario in Mexico, the expert pointed out that an imposition of 25% tariffs as Trump has announced “would imply a very pessimistic scenario, since exports would fall, foreign direct investment would decrease, the GDP would face contractions and the Mexican economy would fall. in recession”.
“In addition, the exchange rate would rise above 23 pesos per dollarinflation would rise above 5%, the Bank of Mexico would be unable to continue cutting the interest rate and the probability of cuts in the credit rating of the sovereign debt would increase,” he added.
For his part, the director of Economic Analysis of the Actinver Financial Group, Enrique Covarrubias, indicated that the main indicator of the Mexican Stock Market “detached itself from the positive tone of its North American peers, falling almost -1% and losing the mark of the 50 thousand unitsto quote in the 49 thousand 722 points“.
With this, Covarrubias added, “the index brought the accumulated loss in the year to –13.4%.”
During the day, the peso depreciated 2% against the dollarwhen quoting in 20.69 units per greenbackafter the 20.28 previewsaccording to data from the Bank of Mexico.
The IPC closed the session in 49 thousand 721.85 unitswith a loss of 485.33 points and a negative variation of the 0.97 % versus the previous day.
The volume traded in the market reached 251.1 million titles for an amount of 16 thousand 717.4 million pesos.
Of the 576 firms that were listed on the day, 380 they ended with their prices rising, 167 they had losses and 29 They closed without changes.
The securities with the greatest upward variation were those of the automotive components manufacturer Nemak (NEMAK A), with 5.23%from the Mexican Restaurant Corporation (CMR B) with 3.01%and the construction materials company Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC), with 2.99%.
In contrast, the largest downward variations were from the Mexican Stock Exchange itself (BAG A), with –6.23%; of the mining company Industrias Peñoles (PE&OLES), with –5.74%and the logistics company Grupo Traxión (TRAXION A), with -4.88%.