The TV animation adaptation of Yuichi Hiiragi’s romantic comedy manga “Please Put It On, Takamine-san” (淊いてください, Takamine Sakura) is confirmed to be broadcast from April 2025. The official released two promotional videos simultaneously: “Healthy Edition” and “Gentleman Edition”.
“Please put it on, Takamine-san” is a manga serialized by Yuichi Hiiragi in SQUARE ENIX’s monthly magazine JOKER since February 2019. The single volume is currently in its 9th volume. The Taiwan Traditional Chinese version is distributed by Dongli Publishing House.
The protagonist of the story, Takamine, the student council president and campus goddess, and his inconspicuous male classmate Takashi Shirata, although they have been in the same school since childhood, they have never had any communication at all. One day, Bai Tian accidentally witnessed Yingfeng changing clothes and learned that he actually had the super power to travel through time and space by taking off his underwear.
In order to allow himself to use this ability as he wishes, Bai Tian, who was framed by Ying Feng, had no choice but to choose to become her wardrobe and be responsible for helping her put on her underwear…
Animation production list
Director: Yuei Makino
Script Coordinator and Script: Yu Sato
Character Design and Chief Animation Supervisor: Ryo Yamauchi, Maya Ito
Music: Takeshi Nakatsuka
Sound Director: Akane Maeda
Animation production: LIDENFILMS
Voice actor
Takamine Takane: Yurika Kubo
Takashi Shirata: Daisuke Kasuya