The first season of the TV animation adapted from the baseball manga “Amnesia” (Forgetting) produced by Eiko Minagawa produced by MAPPA was broadcast on July 2 this year. After the final episode, it was finally released in the official offline event “Fana” on November 10. “Thank you” announced the production of a second season.
The story describes “Monster Pitcher” Qingmine Yeliuhuo and “Wise Catcher” Kaname Kei. They are a pair of pitching partners who are famous in the youth baseball world. Many high schools with powerful teams want to poach them. However, Kei suddenly lost all memories of baseball on the eve of choosing a school, and entered Metropolitan Little Finger High School (because it was close to home) that didn’t even have a baseball team.
Among those who entered this school were players who had half given up on baseball after being defeated by Ye Liuhuo and Kei in the past – Taro Yamada, Aoi Toudo, and Shunpei Chihaya. Talented players who meet in seemingly unlikely places join a newly founded baseball club and embark on the path of baseball again.
The original comic “Amnesia” was serialized biweekly on Shueisha’s online comic platform Jump+ on April 26, 2018. Since then, the cumulative sales of single volumes have exceeded 2 million. This work won the sixth place in the online comics category of the “Next Huihong Comic Awards 2019”.
Animation production list
Bisai production: Eimitsu Takashima
Director: Mato Nakazono
Script Coordinator: Michiko Yokote
Deputy Director: Takeshi Iida
Corner color design: Hitomi Hasegawa
Action animation director: Junpei Tachinaka, Masahiro Tokumaru
Art Director: Funaki Yuki
Color Design: Naomi Nakano
Filming director: Hiroki Kawashita
3D Director: Kohei Ogawa
Editor: Yoshitake Shoto
Music: Tomoki Kikutani, Hiroko Yamazaki
Sound Supervisor: Yasushi Nagura
Sound effects: Takuya Hasegawa
Animation production: MAPPA
Voice actor
Seimine Leaf Fire: Toshiki Masuda
Kei: Mamoru Miyano
Aoi Todo: Yohei Asakami
Shunpei Chihaya: Nobunaga Shimazaki
Taro Yamada: Yuki Kaji
Tsuchiya Kazuki: Valley Xiangsheng
Eiichiro Kunito: Takeo Otsuka
Hironobu Makita: Mark Ishii
Akito Kirishima: Kengo Kasai