A few weeks ago, the Nigerian film Hijack ’93 (2024) released on Netflix. The film follows four teenagers who hijack a Nigerian Airways plane in protest against the violent military regime following the canceled 1993 elections. Although the film does not receive rave reviews, Hijack ’93 a big hit on the streaming service.
Too extreme?
Hijack ’93, directed by Robert Peters, is inspired by real events. Peters emphasizes the psychological and political consequences of the teenagers’ extreme action. The story asks questions about what is just, about violence and the search for change. In the week of October 28 to November 3 Hijack ’93 viewed no less than 7.3 million times.
Excellent performance
A film about a plane hijacking seems like a story that easily holds attention, but according to Netflix subscribers, this is not the case. Hijack ’93 would lose momentum due to long-winded and repetitive scenes. Despite the reasonable performances of the cast, the characters remain superficial. Overall, the film is considered an average thriller, but still works Hijack ’93 it is currently excellent on Netflix.
Beeld: Still ‘Hijack ’93’ via TMDb
Tekst: Netflix