The manga “Let’s Sing Karaoke!” written by Yuu Wakayama! “(カラオケ行こ!) TV animation adaptation is confirmed to be launched in 2025. The voice actors of the protagonist Satomi Oka and Kuji Narita are Horie Shun and Ono Daisuke respectively. (The voice actors in the comic promotional video are Chihiro Kobayashi and Yuichi Nakamura)
“Go sing karaoke!” 》The plot describes Oka Satomi, the leader of the choir of Morigaoka Junior High School. After a certain chorus competition, he was stopped by the gangster Narita Kuaiji and asked Satoshi to teach him how to sing well, so as not to become the boss who got ugly tattoos. “The King of Bad Singers”. Although Congshang was reluctant in every possible way, for the sake of his own life and safety (even though Kuanger did not threaten him), he promised Kuanger to practice singing with him regularly at Karaoke.
This work has won the fifth place among women in “This comic is so awesome! 2021” and the third place in the Comic Awards 2021. A live-action film adaptation will be released in January 2024, directed by Atsuhiro Yamashita of “Midnight Diner” and written by Akiko Nogi of “Forensic Queen”.
Animation production list
Director: Asami Nakatani
Assistant Director: Tsukahara Yukiko
Script Coordinator: Narita Yoshimi
Character Design: Mai Matsuura
Music: Takuro Iga
Video production: Video Studio