El Buen Fin is a good date to use your bank cards, since many times they give you promotions or additional facilities to those provided by the purchase, so here we leave you a list with the benefits that some banks will have for this Buen Fin. .
Benefits of bank cards for the Good End
On purchases of $3,500.00 or more in a single payment with BBVA credit cards, you pay until March 2025 in 3 months without interest and you get double BBVA Points.
- Only on November 15 you will get a 25% bonus on interest-free monthly purchases starting at $12,500.00
- 10% bonus on interest-free monthly purchases starting at $12,500.00
- 30% discount on your car insurance.
You will have months without interest and bonuses, your benefit is only on purchases from $3,500.00 to months without interest and is bonused depending on the purchases you make:
- 1 purchase 10% bonus.
- 2 purchases 11% bonus.
- 3 purchases 12% bonus.
- 4 purchases 13% bonus.
- 5 purchases or more 15% bonus.
If you have your payroll with them or a mortgage loan The following bonus percentages apply:
- 1 purchase 15% bonus.
- 2 purchases 16% bonus.
- 3 purchases 17% bonus.
- 4 purchases 18% bonus.
- 5 purchases or more 20% bonus
These are some of the offers that you can find at El Buen Fin, if you want to consult more information about participating cards, amounts, etc. You can verify it on the banks’ official pages.
Take advantage of your Buen Fin purchases with these bank promotions and save as much as possible.
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