“Elaine’s Adventure” (ルトナーク・クエスト) produced by DLsite adult game club “アイオライト” was officially launched on Steam in November without corrections. This game is a common defeated gentleman RPG. After its launch on DLsite, it sold more than 10,000 sets of critically acclaimed works.
“Allain’s Adventure” describes the heroine Allain coming to the adventurer city “Lutnak”. She is determined to become an S-class adventurer and needs to take on tasks to improve her level. However, this type is only for the majority of gentlemen. The story setting usually does not cause accidents, but accidents will happen soon, because losing the battle will not cause Game Over.
This game can track Alleyn’s physical records and mood changes in the status bar. Depending on the piano’s intensity, some H performances will also be different.
Although it is a popular gentleman’s work, the quality of the illustrations has been praised by the DLsite community, and the H event can be easily triggered. Not only the heroine, but also 5 teammates can attack it. The main H scenes are all depraved, so they are very simple. Easy to understand.
It is worth mentioning that the Chinese version of this game is represented by 072 Project, and players still need to go to 072 Project store platformDownload the patch to get the full experience, including H scenes related to the magician Sylvia. In addition, in the DLsite version of this work, the development team is also Here The website releases the complete customs clearance archive for reference by gentlemen who need it urgently.
The uncorrected Chinese version of the defeated gentleman RPG “Ellain’s Adventure” has been released on Steam. Interested players can refer to it or add it to their wish list.