Following the fourth season of the TV animation, Maruyama’s “OVERLORD” is adapted into the animated series. The new movie “OVERLORD Theatrical: Holy Kingdom” has officially debuted in Taiwan on November 1, and will be screened simultaneously in 2D and IMAX.
After three years of enthusiastic anticipation, fans across Taiwan finally welcomed the glorious return of “Bone King” Ainz Ooal Gown. A large number of fans were once again called back to the theater by “OVERLORD: The Holy Kingdom: The Movie” , which generated box office revenue of 6.12 million yuan in three days of release.
Positive word-of-mouth from fans has also provided a boost to the box office. Many fans said that both the novelists and the animation fans were shocked by the dark and violent aesthetics of Bone King. Because this is an independent chapter, whether they have watched it or not Anyone who has watched the original work can be attracted by the story, the pace is bright, and the laughs are just right. At the same time, the combat effects and sound effects are well done, and fans who are familiar with “OVERLORD” will clearly feel: the feeling of Bone King is finally back!
In order to show the majestic macro of the kingdom and the grand battle scenes of the empire in “OVERLORD Theatrical Version: The Holy Kingdom”, the distributor Lingbang Company specially secured a two-week screening in IMAX theaters across Taiwan, and also sincerely launched IMAX ticket purchase. The special “IMAX version of the matte A3 poster” is made of cardboard, pearl surface, matte embossing and three-dimensional liquid glue glitter lettering to form the entire picture. The perfect design shows the domineering power of the Bone King! It has been described by fans as the most sincere and treasured movie bonus this year. The quantity is limited, fans who haven’t gotten it yet, please act quickly!
Plot introduction
The background of the story of “OVERLORD Theatrical Holy Kingdom” takes place in the Holy Kingdom of Lobur, ruled by the Holy Queen. Protected by her powerful magical power and tall and strong walls, Lobur leads a long-lasting, peaceful, happy and prosperous life: One day suddenly The Demon King Jaldabaoth and numerous demihuman allied forces appeared to press the border. Although the leader of the Holy Knights, Remedios, and the leader of the Priests, Quirat, gathered the elite combat power of the entire kingdom to face the enemy in the shortest possible time. However, in the face of the overwhelming magical power of the Demon King Jaldabaoth and the large and brutal demihuman combined army, the Lobol Kingdom is in danger of being annihilated.
At this critical moment of survival, in order to obtain enough power to compete with the Demon King Yadavov and relieve the crisis in Lobol, the leader Remedio and his follower Neia had no choice but to go to the neighboring country “Ainz Ooal Gyromo” For a long time, the relationship between the two countries has been quite delicate, just because this country is a strange country ruled by an undead. Will Remedios be able to move in time to rescue the troops? It will directly affect the fate of the Holy Kingdom, and it all depends on the expressionless Bone King’s thoughts…