Have you The Mauthausen Photographer (2018) Have you ever seen it on Netflix? The intense – and unfortunately true – war story makes a deep impression on subscribers. “A tough but good film,” says X. “Wow! Deeply impressed.”
Francesc Boix is a Catalan photographer who is captured and sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp during World War II. There he is assigned to the photo lab and with the help of several other Spanish prisoners who lead the Spanish clandestine resistance, Boix risks his own life as he carries out his own plan: to extract countless negatives that will show the world the horrible atrocities committed by the Nazis committed within the camp.
The photos that Boix and his fellow prisoners managed to save were crucial to the conviction of several high-ranking Nazi officers during the Nuremberg trials in 1946, at which Boix was the only Spaniard present.
Beeld: Still ‘The Mauthausen Photographer’ via TMDb