The Vatican introduced an anime mascot, named Lucewhich was revealed on October 28, 2024, during the inauguration of the Jubilee and Pavilion of the Holy See in Japanwithin the framework of Expo Osaka 2025.
The event was attended by Monsignor Rino Fisichella, Barbara Jatta, director of the Vatican Museums, and Davide Mambriani, curator of the Jubilee and Culture.
What is Luce like?
Luce is a pilgrim boy with blue hair and eyes, wearing a yellow raincoat, green boots covered in mud, a rosary, and a cane.
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With an aesthetic inspired by manga, Luce is described as a pilgrim boy who wears “boots muddy from his travels and big eyes that shine before the world.”according to the Vatican news portal.
Luce is seen as an opportunity for evangelization in today’s world
One of the activities linked to the Jubilee includes participation in the famous Lucca Comics & Games fair, where Luce will be present with Luce&Friends. This is the first time that an organization of the Holy See participates in the most important fair in Europe dedicated to comics, games, and animated films.
Rino Fisichella has stated that presenting Luce as a “symbol of hope and fraternity, values that resonate with the theme of the festival,” is a way to connect with young people and transmit the evangelical message.
The Jubilee Pavilion will be located in the Archbishopric of Lucca, located in Piazzale Monsignor Giulio Arrigoni 2, and will be open from October 30 to November 3.