The brand new western series is now on Netflix Territory (2024– ) about the family on an Australian ranch. For everyone who has already seen the six episodes, the big question is: will there be a second season of the moving series? In this article we discuss all the news surrounding a possible new season.
NB: this article contains spoilers about the ending of Territory season 1!
First season now available
When the world’s largest cattle ranch, Marianne Station, is abandoned without a clear successor, generational conflict threatens to tear the Lawson family apart. The Outback’s most powerful factions – rival cattle barons, desert gangsters, indigenous elders and billionaire miners – sense this once great dynasty is in decline.
Will there be a second season? Territory on Netflix?
Towards the end of Territory season 1, the Lawson family has temporarily gathered to defend their property against Sandra Kirby and Campbell Miller. Kirby plans to use Marianne Station land, mainly old gold mines, as a repository for radioactive enriched uranium waste. To do this, she had to detonate a sacred place called “The Sorry Place” to clear the way for a road. The Lawsons and the indigenous community tried to prevent this but were too late, resulting in a shootout as the season’s climax.
Despite the enormous interest in the series, which is already at the top of the Netflix top 10, the streaming service has the series not yet extended with a second season. However, the ending leaves the door wide open for a sequel. As soon as the streaming service has good news, we will report about it. In the meantime, you will stay informed here of all the news about a possible new season.
Beeld: Still ‘Territory’ via Netflix