During this Thursday afternoon, a student of Cbtis 114, Technological, Industrial and Services Baccalaureate Center, located in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, was taken to a hospital due to severe poisoning due to drug consumption. hashish.
What happened?
According to the first reports, Those responsible for the school campus requested the support of municipal and state authorities, after detecting five students intoxicated with a substance known as hashish. The directors of Cbtis 114 The students were suspended until the investigation was concluded, They also notified the parents of the students.
The municipal police and the State Prosecutor’s Office spent nearly two hours with the parents of the students involved along with the school authorities, of whom identity is still unknown.
Finally, The educational institution and those legally responsible took charge of addressing the casedespite Initially they requested the presence of the Ministry of Public Security and the state investigation agency.
What is hashish?
According to Leafwell, It is a powerful concentrated form of cannabis. Derived from kief (a collection of loose cannabis trichomes or resin), Hashish has much more powerful effects than marijuana. “ordinary”.
Hashish is an Arabic wordgiven that This potent form of cannabis originated in the Middle East and was outlawed by Islamic prohibition for centuries. hashish It is made from the sticky resins of plant material that form in the buds of cannabis plants. Also called trichomesthese sticky resins contain high levels of tetrahidrocannabinol (THC) and are responsible for the potentially intoxicating effects of hashish.
THC is the active ingredient in hashish products and all cannabis products. This powerful psychoactive ingredient can lead to a euphoric or problematic experiencedepending on your THC tolerance levels and other factors. Please note that THC levels can reach up to 80% in hashish concentrates. This figure is four times higher than the typical amount of THC (20%) in unconcentrated cannabis.
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