The TV animation adaptation of the four-frame manga “Mono Girl” from “Swinging Camp△” is expected to be broadcast in 2025. The official recently announced that the protagonist Sayuki’s friend “Kiriyama An” will be played by Aoi Koga.
The story describes Sayuki Amamiya, who belongs to the photography club. After her senior sister graduated, she lost the motivation to shoot. Encouraged by her friend Kiriyama Anzu, she bought a new camera to try different shooting techniques, and met a girl who was working on manga themes. A distressed cartoonist, a hearty motorcycle rider who records travel trajectories, and a member of the film research club with an idiosyncratic personality began a photography and material-collecting trip in Yamanashi.
“Mono Girl” was originally a special short story published in the May 2017 issue of Houbunsha’s Manga Time Kirara Miracle!. It was serialized in the July issue of the same year, and was later serialized in the February 2018 issue of Manga Time Kirara Carat. The single volume is currently on the 4th issue. book.
Animation production list
Director: Ryota Aikei
Character Design: Takuya Miyahara
Script Coordinator: Yoko Mineuchi
Animation: Soigne
Voice actor
Amamiya Sayuki: Mikawa Kagetsu
Kiriyama Anzu: Will be presented by Koga Aoi