Obesity in Mexico is a health problem that not only occurs in adults, children and adolescents also suffer from it.
For years in Mexico, efforts have been made to make school nutrition more nutritious and healthy, trying to ensure that children consume less junk food to improve their health and reduce health problems derived from them, such as obesity.
Today, October 14, the president presented the “healthy living” section where she commented on a new change: the sale of soft drinks and chips (among other junk foods) will be prohibited inside all basic education schools in Mexico, which are: preschool, primary and secondary.
What objective does it have?
This seeks to ensure that children and adolescents are less exposed to junk foods that cause health problems and instead promote healthy eating.
When was this change made?
This change was presented on September 30 in the Official Gazette of the Federation, where laws, regulations, circulars, etc. are published. of public interest. Adding to the above, we not only seek to reduce the sale of processed products, with fats, sugar, salt and other harmful products, but also to promote and give space to foods that provide nutrients to children and adolescents who are students of these institutions.
The purpose of all of this is not only to promote good nutrition for students at school, but also to ensure that these practices are carried out at home, so that not only the children and adolescents benefit from this, but also their entire family. social and family circle.
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