The open world adventure game “Petit Island” (tentative translation, Little Island) produced by Xelo Games, a Bali game team composed of three friends, and published by SOEDESCO is expected to be launched on PS5, Xbox Series and Steam platforms on November 14th, and will be available in Traditional Chinese. Interface and subtitles.
“Petit Island” was developed as early as 2021, and the demo version won the Wholesome Games Best Director Award at the 2022 and 2023 Independent Game Show.
The story is set in an open world composed of many tropical islands. Players will control the cute cat girl “Lily” from a third-person perspective, and embark on a healing adventure journey in order to follow the footsteps of Grandpa Cat.
Grandpa Cat was a brave adventurer when he was young. He used to visit islands and seek excitement. But since moving to the city, he has left his adventurous days behind, and the related memories have gradually faded.
As he grows older, Grandpa’s memory becomes more blurred, and what remains are the stories he told to his beloved granddaughter Lily. One day Lily found his old diary, and Lily decided to review Grandpa’s stories to help him find the unknown. Make memories and discover your own adventurous spirit!
We have a launch date! Check out the gameplay trailer on PlayStation!✨✨#PS5 #PlayStation
— Petit island Game | OUT soon Nov 14! (@petitislandgame) October 16, 2024
Lily has a camera that allows her to take photos and take selfies while freely exploring the environment. There are no enemies or other dangers in the game. You can walk in nature, visit towns, interact with residents and tourists, meet weird and interesting characters, and take on various tasks, including fishing, catching insects, etc.
The function of the camera can also remind Grandpa of his past adventures. It can be said that the goal of the photos is to capture the things and nostalgic attractions that Grandpa is familiar with. On the one hand, Lily is also creating exclusive memories on the island. “Befriending the villagers and gaining trust, helping They scratch your back, and they’ll scratch your back too!”
It is said that there are also hidden treasures and wild animals on the island. Players can hunt for treasures and make friends with wild animals such as cows and alpacas. After being invited by them, they can ride on their backs and move quickly. The same animal has many different appearances. The costumes of the protagonist Lily There are also plenty of customization elements to dress it up however you like.
“Petit Island” is expected to be released on PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S on November 15. Interested players are recommended to add it to their wish list.