Japan’s evergreen animation “Mobile Suit Gundam” series, which celebrates its 45th anniversary this year, announced today (15th) that it will launch a cross-border collaboration with virtual singer Hatsune Miku “GUNDAM meeting.
This event will be held at the “GUNDAM METAVERSE 3rd Limited Opening” event from 11:00 on December 5th to 15:00 on the 9th, Japan time. It is free to participate. There is also a Metaverse virtual exhibition hall, Gundam body display, mini-games, and store sales of event peripherals, etc.
By the way, if you register in advance from now on, you will have a chance to win a Gundam Model (Gunpla) celebration jacket for the main visual of this event.
“Mobile Suit Gundam” has been on the air since 1979 and has accompanied many fans throughout their lives for 45 years. This year, a number of planning activities were held simultaneously. Today, the key visual and poster of the collaboration between Gundam and Miku were released; More details will be released in the future.
The main visual of this collaboration was drawn by Okuma Miku. Hatsune Miku wore a costume based on the concept of the Earth Federation Forces, paired with the classic RX-78-2 Gundam, giving it a full sense of celebration.