The first episode of the anime of the same name, adapted from the original manga “The Daredevils” by Ryuki Nobu, premiered last Friday (10/4) and hit the hot trends. Hideo Kojima, a well-known game designer who loves film and television works, was also one of the viewers. After watching it, he posted a special review and emphasized that voice actor Shion Wakayama is the motivation to continue pursuing the series.
“The Daredevil” tells the story of the JK hottie “Momo Ayase” who was born in a family of psychics and the occult enthusiast and male classmate “Takakura Ken”. One does not believe in aliens and the other does not believe in the existence of ghosts. The two become angry. , Xiao Tao went to the abandoned hospital in the “UFO Holy Land”, and Takakura Ken went to the famous haunted mountain tunnel, but ghosts and aliens appeared…
That day, Hideo Kojima happened to be tired of reading. He opened the subscription service and found out that the animation “The Daredevils” was on the shelves and decided to watch the first episode. “Although I have not read the original manga, as a generation who likes occultism and UFOs, , it really hits my mark.”
The 61-year-old Hideo Kojima said that he used to read the well-known Japanese occult monthly magazine “MU” (MU), and the unique camerawork and animation style of Science SARU, which produced the animation for “The Daredevils”, were very to his liking, ” It’s great that Naoyuki Onda, who is the same age as me, is responsible for the character design, and Shion Wakayama also appears. I will continue to watch it.”
I got a bit tired of reading so browsed my subscription. Saw the anime “Dandadan” was up, so I decided to watch the first episode. I haven’t read the original manga, but being from the generation that loves the occult and UFOs, it really hit home 🛸 I used to skim through “Mu”…
Hideo Kojima used to be famous for Konami’s “Metal Gear” series. After leaving his job to start his own business, he used “Death Stranding” to connect with Hollywood. He often invites movie stars, directors and creators from all over the world to his studio to take photos and Signing on the wall, Kojima, who loves movies, frequently posts his movie-watching experiences on
Hideo Kojima also loves watching animation, especially the original animation “Lycoris Recoil” which will premiere in the summer of 2022. He has worn the protagonists Takina Inoue (CV Shion Wakayama) and Chibe Nishiki (CV) in different public occasions. CV Anji Zhijia)’s You T also shared his collection of two character models on the community.
At the PlayStation special stage of TGS 2024 at the end of September, Hideo Kojima joined hands with Japanese voice actors and actors to promote “Death Stranding 2: On The Beach” (Death Stranding 2: On The Beach). He even admitted that he would invite Shion Wakayama to participate. The dubbing was done out of love for “Lycoris Recoil”.
Director Hideo Kojima casts Shion Wakayama in the role of Takina because he is such a big fan of Rico Rico.#DeathStranding2 #TGS2024
— Norman Reedus image bot (@Normanbot_) September 29, 2024
Being able to work with the idol Inoue Takina (Wakayama Shion) is not enough. Loyal fan Hideo Kojima also followed Wakayama Shion’s other voice acting works, such as the latest “The Daredevils”, and the film review also specifically mentioned the starring role of Ayase. Momo’s Wakayama Shiyin is the driving force behind the series. It cannot be ruled out that the follow-up new series “Entertainment with Akanjin Shrine” will fall into the charm of Shion (who voices Akanami Chaoji) again.
“The Daredevil” is currently broadcast on Kapok YT channel, Bahamut Animation Crazy, Netflix and other platforms. However, YouTube will delete some welfare scenes. Interested readers are recommended to watch Animation Crazy.