The manga “Chuzenji Sensei’s Yokai Lectures” is originally written by Natsuhiko Kyogoku and illustrated by Aki Shimizu, the author of “Hyakki Night Walk Series”. Let the teacher solve the puzzle. 》(Mr. Chuzenji Monster Lecture Notes, Mr. Mystery いてしまうから.) A TV animation adaptation will be launched in 2025, produced by 100studio Animation of “This World is Full of Loopholes”.
In Tokyo just after the end of World War II, a Mandarin teacher named “Chuzenji Akihiko” came to Midogawa High School. The teacher always had a straight face and did not want to get close to the students, causing a topic in the school. One day, the so-called “ghost in the library” appeared in school. The classmates who saw the ghost were too scared to go to school. However, a certain student “Kusakabe Souna” learned that the “ghost” was the teacher of Chuzenji Temple, and the two They got to know each other and worked together to investigate various strange incidents.
“Chuzenji Sensei’s Lectures on Monsters” I leave it to the teacher to solve the puzzle. “The original comic was serialized in Kodansha’s comic magazine MAGAZINE EDGE from 2019 to 2023, and was then transferred to the same publisher’s online comic platform COMIC DAYS for serialization. The single volume was released to volume 9.